C++ Tutorial – Learn C++ Programming with examples

The C++ programming language was created by Bjarne Stroustrup and his team at Bell Laboratories (AT&T, USA) to help implement simulation projects in an object-oriented and efficient way. The earliest versions, which were originally referred to as “C with classes,” date back to 1980. As the name C++ implies, C++ was derived from the C programming language.

C++ is not a purely object-oriented language but a hybrid that contains the functionality of the C programming language. This means that you have all the features that are available in C.

C++ Tutorials

To learn C++ programming, refer these tutorials in the given order. These tutorials are written for beginners so even if you have no prior knowledge in C++, you won’t face any difficulty understanding these tutorials.

Basics of Object Oriented Programming

  1. What is Programming Language?
  2. Role of Compiler-Interpreter
  3. Procedure Oriented Programming Language
  4. Object Oriented Programming Language
  5. Basic Concepts of OOP
  6. Benefits of OOP
  7. POP vs OOP

Basics of C++

  1. Why you should learn C++ ?
  2. Introduction to C++
  3. Application of C++ Language
  4. Structure of C++ Program
  5. Tokens in C++
  6. Data types in C++
  7. Special Operators in C++
  8. Why variable cannot be used without specifying its type in C++ ?
  9. What is Reference Variable?
  10. Storage classes in C++

Control Statements in C++

  1. Sequential Control Statements
  2. Conditional Control Statements
    1. Decision making statements
      • If statement
      • Else..If statement
      • nested If Else statement
    2. Switch case control statement
      • Switch-Case statement
    3. Loop control statements or repetitions
      • For Loop statement
      • While Loop statement
      • Do..While Loop statement
  3. Unconditional Control Statements
    1. Continue statement
    2. Break statement
    3. goto statement

Functions in C++

  1. Functions in C++
  2. Inline Function in C++
  3. Default arguments in Functions
  4. Constant Argument Function
  5. Function Overloading
  6. Friend Function
  7. Static Member Functions

Class and Objects

  1. Introduction
  2. Access Class Members using Object
  3. Memory Allocation for Object
  4. Defining Member Functions
  5. Private Member function
  6. Static Data Member
  7. Static Member Functions
  8. Object as Function Argument
  9. Friend Function of Class

Constructor and Destructor

  1. Introduction
  2. Default Constructor
  3. Parameterized Constructor
  4. Copy Constructor
  5. Dynamic Constructor
  6. Multiple Constructors
  7. Destructor

Pointer in C++

  1. Pointers in C++
  2. this Pointer

Inheritance in C++

  1. Introduction
  2. Access Specifiers (modifiers)
    • Private
    • Public
    • Protected
  3. Types of Inheritance
  4. Ambiguity in Inheritance
  5. Abstract Base Class
  6. Virtual Base Class
  7. Constructor in Derived Class

Polymorphism in C++

  1. Introduction
  2. Function Overloading
  3. Virtual Function in C++
  4. Operator Overloading in C++
  5. Virtual Destructors in C++

Manage IO Operations in C++

  1. Introduction
  2. Un-formatted IO Operations   
  3. Formatted Console IO Operations
  4. Manipulators

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