Modes of Mobile communication

Here we will discuss different Modes are used to provide communication for the mobile / wireless medias. Different modes used for wireless communication. IR – Infrared wireless communication Broadcast Radio communication Microwave communication Satellite communication

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A pointer is the data type of an address variable a variable for storing addresses a special type of integer variable a special type of operator The declaration statement int* p1, p2 ; declares two pointer variables p1 and p2 declares two integer variables p1 and p2 declares p1 as a pointer variable and p2 as an integer variable is illegal because of blank space between * and p1 The statement int * p ; can be interpreted as the variable whose address is stored in p is an integer…

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The concept of inheritance enables C++ to pass arguments to objects of classes to create new classes from existing classes to improve data hiding to support abstraction What is the advantage of using inheritance in C++? Facilitates creation of class libraries Enables reuse of existing code Enhances reliability of the code All the above Through inheritance, it is possible to inherit from a class only data members only members functions any members as we desire only functions declared as friend In the class definition class M : visibility-mode N {…

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Constructor and Destructor

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about constructors and destructors? They must the same names as class. They cannot return values. They can be invoked only once in a program. They are called automatically. Which one of the following statements does not correctly describe one of the many characteristics of constructors? They can be inherited. They can have default arguments. They can not return values, like other functions. They can be declared anywhere in the class. A constructor for the class Area having two data members length and breadth…

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Class and Objects

C++  supports  both  classes and structures.    Which of the following statements is FALSE in respect of both of them? Both can have variables and functions as members. In both, the members are private by default. They support inheritance. Their names can be used like any other types names. In a class definition, the members declared as private are accessible only to the public functions of the class to any function in the program only to functions declared as private to all member functions of the class By default, member functions…

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Functions in C++

Which one of the following statements is a valid main function prototype? void main (   ); int main (int a, int b) main (int argc, char argv); int main(int argc, char* argv[ ]); Which one of the following is true about a function in a C++ program? A function must be called at least once. A function may called as and when required. A function can be called only by the main function. A function must always return a value. Which of the following function prototypes is invalid? void exchange…

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Tokens and Control Structure in C++

Which one of the following is an ANSI C keyword? public operator export volatile Which one of the following is not a C++ keyword? constant false explicit throw Which of the following statements is TRUE with regard to naming C++ identifiers? A name can start with any letter or digit. No special characters are permitted. Uppercase and lowercase letters are distinct. A name cannot have more than 32 characters Which of the following is a valid C++ identifier? Total value 2 x _string1 template Which of the following is not…

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Basics of C++

C++ is an extension of C language. One of the new features added is: Structure Union Operator overloading Function Which of the following statements is FALSE? In a C++ program, the execution begins at main() function. Every C++ program must have a main() function. Every C++ statement must end with a semicolon. C++ does not permit the use of printf() for displaying an output. Line commands are inserted into a C++ program using Left and right curly brackets like {…} Double forward slashes like //….. Stars and slashes like /*..…*/…

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Principle of OOP

Which of the following languages is not a pure Object-Oriented language? a) Java b) Simula c) Ada d) Eiffel Which of the languages is a pure object-oriented language? a) C++ b) Smalltalk c) Object Pascal d) Objective C Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to object-oriented programming? a) Emphasis is on algorithms rather than data. b) Data can move freely from function to function. c) Programs are divided into small programs called functions. d) Data and functions that operate on them are tied together. Which of the…

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