Tutorials on Mobile Computing

Mobile communication has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, from global cellular telephone systems to local and even personal-area networks. These tutorials provides you an introduction to digital mobile wireless networks, illustrating theoretical underpinnings with a wide range of real-world examples.

Tutorials on Mobile Computing

These tutorials will help you to understand the basic of mobile communication. How mobile communication is working, components , architecture, cellular system like GSM and CDMA, role of mobile applications and mobile OS in mobile communication.

Mobile Communication

  1. Introduction to Mobile Computing
  2. Attributes of Mobile Communication
  3. Application of Mobile Communication
  4. Limitations of Mobile Communication

Wireless Communication

  1. Introduction to wireless communication
    • Applications of Wireless Communication
    • Limitations of Wireless Communication
    • Advantages of Wireless Communication
    • Wireless vs Wired Communications
  2. Different generations of wireless technology
  3. Comparison chart wireless generation technology

Basics of Cellular System

  1. Basics of cell and Cluster
  2. Types of Cell in Mobile communication
  3. Frequency Spectrum
  4. Frequency reuse concept
  5. Noise and its effects on mobile computing

Mobile Cellular Technology

  1. Introduction to GSM
  2. Introduction to CDMA
  3. GSM vs CDMA

Modes of Mobile Communication

  1. Different modes used for Mobile Communication
  2. Types of Satellite Orbits
  3. Satellite Phones

Mobile Computing Architecture and components

  1. 3 Tier Architecture of Mobile Computing
  2. Design considerations for mobile computing
  3. Characteristics of Mobile Communication
  4. Security Concern Related to Mobile Computing
  5. Middleware and Gateway required for mobile Computing
  6. Mobile IP-Internet Protocol