Here are the mentioned least seven different functions where CDMA is different from GSM.

Frequency900MHz; 1800MHz;1900MHz800MHz;1900MHz
Channel BandwidthTotal 25 MHz bandwidth with 200 KHz per channels, 8 timeslots per channel with frequency hopping.Total 12MHz with 1.25 MHz for the spread spectrum.
Voice Codec13Kbits/second8Kbits/second or 13Kbps
Data bit rate9.6 Kbits/second or expandable9.6Kbits
SMS160 characters of text supports120 characters
SIM CardYesNo
MultipathCauses interference and destruction to serviceUsed as an advantage
Radio InterfaceTDMACDMA
System CapacityFixed and limitedFlexible and higher than GSM
Code Division Multiple AccessGlobal System for Mobile communication
Storage type : internal memorySIM memory
Global market share : 25%75%
Dominant standard in the U.S.Dominant standard worldwide except the U.S.
There  is  one  physical  channel  and  a special code for every device in the coverage network. Using this code, the signal of the device is multiplexed, and the  same  physical   channel   is  used  to send the signalEvery cell has a corresponding network tower, which serves the mobile phones in that cellular area.
Less AccessibleMost Accessible
Frequency band : Single(850 MHz)Multiple(850/900/1800/1900 MHz)
Handset specificSIM specific. User has option to select handset of his choice.
Emits less radiationEmits 28 times more radiations than CDMA

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