Basic of Android App Development

Android App Development Tutorials

Welcome to the Basics of Android app development tutorials. These Android Tutorial will help you to learn, how to build Android apps using APIs in the Android framework and other libraries? If you’re fresher to Android and want to jump into code, start with the below tutorials step by step.

Android is an open source and Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android App Development Tutorials are designed for fresher to get basics of Android Studio, Android Installation and setup of environment, Android framework, how android components working, GUI Tools and lot more with updates.

1 – Introduction to Android

2 – Android Environment Setup

3 – Android Architecture

4 – Hello Android

5 – Android App Components

6 – User Interface Widgets

  • Introduction about UI Widgets
  • Text controls
    • Label
    • TextView
    • AutoCompleteTextView
  • Button controls
    • Push Button
    • Image Button
    • Toggle Button
    • Radio Button
  • Image
  • CheckBox
  • Spinner
  • Ratingbar
  • Progressbar
  • WebView

7 – Notification and Toast

  • Toast notifications
  • Android Notifications
  • Dialog Notifications

8 – Menus

  • Introduction to Menu
  • Options menu
  • Context menu
  • Popup Menu

9 – Dialog Notifications

  • Alert dialog
  • Custom dialog
  • DatePicker dialog
  • TimePicker dialog
  • ColorPicker dialog
  • FileChooser dialog
  • ShareDialog dialog

10 – Lists in Android

  • Introduction to Creating lists
  • ListView
  • GridView
  • Custom ListView

11 – Views in Android

  • WebView
  • ScrollView
  • SearchView
  • TabView

12 – Basic Operations

  • Dial a Call
  • Send a SMS
  • Send a Email
  • Share a File
  • Open WebPage in Webview

13 – Android with SQLite

  • Introduction to SQLite
  • Creating a Database in SQLite
  • Select in SQLite
  • Insert in SQLite
  • Update in SQLite
  • Delete in SQLite
  • View Records in Table

14 – Android with MySql & Php

  • Introduction to MySql & Php
  • CRUD operations in MySql & Php
  • Select operation in MySql & Php

15 – UI Design in Android