Procedure Oriented Programming Language

procedural programming

Procedural programming is a programming paradigm based upon the idea of a procedure call. Procedure calls are modular and are bound by scope. A procedural program is composed of one or more modules. Each module is composed of one or more subprograms. Modules may consist of procedures, functions, subroutines or methods, depending on the programming language. Procedural programs may possibly have multiple levels or scopes, with subprograms defined inside other subprograms. Each scope can contain names which cannot be seen in outer scopes. Procedural programming offers many benefits over simple…

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What is Programming Language?


In the most basic terms, a “programming language” is a means of communication between a human being (programmer)  and a computer. A programmer uses this means of communication in order to give the computer instructions. These instructions are called “programs”. Like the many languages we use to communicate with each other, there are many languages that a programmer can use to communicate with a computer. Each language has its own set of words and rules, called semantics. If you’re going to write a program, you have to follow the semantics…

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